Spring Blooms


Happy Friday! I’m so excited that the weekend is here! It’s almost strange when the weekend arrives, because it almost doesn’t feel different than the weekdays. We’re still inside hanging out and trying not to go crazy! I’ve been trying to increase the number of at-home workouts I’m doing to try and move my body more. Sitting down and being cooped up in our apartment all day is starting to take its toll on me. But this weekend we are spending time with my mom which I’m really looking forward to. And we’re also going to lay out by the pool and I’m beyond ready to soak up that vitamin D!


Freddy and I took these photos a few weeks ago, and they really have me missing what we would normally do on the weekends. Walk around Old Town Scottsdale, grab some coffee at one of our local favorites, lay by the pool at our apartment complex, maybe go out to dinner. It’s amazing the little things you take for granted until you can’t do them anymore. I’m still so grateful though that Freddy and I are healthy and doing well overall—I know there are so many people struggling right now and going through a really hard time. I’m also incredibly grateful for the heroes in the healthcare field who are on the front lines caring for those who need it most. We’ve been talking about some different organizations we want to donate to such as Feeding America, World Health Organization, Meals on Wheels and TGen, which is a Phoenix-based genomics research institute that is conducting research and testing for COVID-19. I’d love to hear some organizations that you’ve learned about that are finding ways to help during the pandemic—feel free to list them in the comments below! I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend and that you’re able to slow down and appreciate the little things that bring you joy.
