Purple Floral Boho Maxi Dress


When I think back to January 1st of this year and how excited and hopeful I was for what 2020 would hold, it’s crazy how things can turn upside down in just a few short months. After losing my Dad at the end of January and now dealing with this pandemic, I’m honestly ready for this year to be over. There is so much uncertainty looming—it’s hard not to be scared or anxious or stressed. Despite all that’s going on right now, I’m choosing to be thankful every day because I know everyone is going through something different, and I still have so much to be grateful for. My immediate and extended family is healthy, Freddy and I still have our jobs, we have food to eat and a place to call home. Waking up and starting my day with gratitude is what’s helping me stay strong right now, and my goal is to spread that joy and positivity with you!


Freddy and I have been going on evening walks this past week and it’s truly the highlight of my day! Before Arizona’s shelter in place order went into effect we tried to go outside and enjoy the fresh air as much as we could. We took these pictures a couple of weeks ago and it’s crazy to think about how much has changed since then! It seems like it’s getting harder and harder to maintain a sense of “normalcy” when we need to self-quarantine limit our social interactions, but I’m doing what I can to keep my spirits up, even if it means putting on a bohemian maxi dress even when I’m hanging out around the apartment! I got this one from Free People last month with the hope that I would be able to wear it outside this spring, but plan B is just going to have to work for now. The good news is this dress is currently 50% off and would still work transitioning from summer to fall with some ankle booties and a wool hat.


I hope you’re able to find small ways to bring joy into your life during this time, whether that’s putting on your favorite outfit even though you’re not going anywhere, or baking your favorite dessert because you feel like it. There’s beauty all around us if we choose to look for it. Stay healthy and safe my friends!