Denim Shorts + Floral Crop Top


Summer is by far my favorite season, even despite the crazy triple digit temps that we have in AZ. I love the nostalgia that comes along with the summer months and I love reminiscing on all the fun family vacations we used to go on when I was a kid and into my teenage years. Obviously, this summer looks very different than any of us imagined, and we could have never anticipated how this global pandemic would continue to grow and spread. Freddy and I had a lot of travels plans in mind for this year, including multiple trips to Southern California (which of course involved Disneyland!), Chicago, Utah and Idaho. I’m very thankful that we were able to travel to Seattle and Ft. Lauderdale earlier this year before the pandemic really took over, but right now we are trying to lay low and be cautious about the health and safety of not only ourselves, but our family and friends as well.


Since we’ll be staying put for the foreseeable future, we have been trying to incorporate “vacation-like” activates into our weekends, which mostly involves spending time at the pool! Our apartment complex re-opened the pool area late last month, and everyone has been good about social distancing thankfully. We’ve only gone a couple of times, but the majority of our pool time is spent at my mom’s house. She lives about 30 minutes north of us and it’s a few degrees cooler up there, which I promise you makes a huge difference! We love going up there to relax and hang out and it sort of feels like a mini staycation. After a day spent at the pool, Freddy and I instantly feel more relaxed and at ease. I’ve realized more and more over the last couple of months how much state of our country can cause underlying anxiety and stress, so I’ve really tried to prioritize more self-care moments into my weekly routine.


One of the ways I incorporate self-care is through some good old fashioned retail therapy…aka online shopping. I don’t go crazy, but there have been some great sales popping up all over the web throughout these past couple of months, and it’s hard to resist! My mom shared this phrase with me once when I was younger and getting over a cold: “If you look good, then you’ll feel good” or something to that effect. It has since stuck with me and I often think about it on days when I may not be actually sick, but just feel kind of blah. When I throw on a cute blouse, like this one 😻, I feel an instant mood-boost and shift in my mindset.
